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Visual Identity

Green Friday

Brand Personality is the core of a brand. It informs how we look, how we communicate, and how people will feel when they see us--Green Friday as One-Stops lead in the green consumption and the superior quality urban life style.

Green Friday项目

作为国内首创的绿色时尚生活品牌,Green Friday希望通过提供一站式家庭绿色健康生活解决方案,从精选的室内净化小绿植,到进口园艺DIY的周边产品,从绿色生活方式的引导,到健康有机轻食的提供,希望带给人们所向往的生活方式,让生活回归本来的纯粹与美好。

Art direction - Donegood studio

Design - Donegood studio

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